Multiple virtual reality trainees working on a heat exchanger

Immersive VR training for the oil, gas and energy industry.

Improve safety, reduce training costs and speed up operations through immersive VR Training for the Oil, Gas & Energy Industries

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Trusted by Global Brands

Practice procedures without any risk

The oil and gas industry has the highest fatality rate of any industry. Practice procedures as much as needed, safely in virtual reality to prevent fatalities at work.

Perfect daily tasks and build confidence in virtual reality

Get hands on training and interact with equipment virtually, no need for plant shutdowns and no consequences if mistakes are made.

Prepare for the real-world experience

In-depth training data and assessments highlights exactly how people are learning and ensures staff are going into the field confident and competent.


VR Use Cases in the Oil and Gas Industry

Safety Training

Experience situations like working in confined spaces, hot work and more first hand, but without the risk. Test and assess employees how to react and cope with certain scenarios.

Technical Training

Master step by step procedures and build muscle memory. Employees can gain expertise and confidence by learning at their own pace and taking their skills directly into the field.

Employee Onboarding

Speed up onboarding and reduce training costs by enabling employees to familiarise themselves with the plant, site and equipment so they feel confident, right from from the start.


Practice resolving complex issues that are vital for operational efficiency – so when they arrive, maintenance can be carried out with confidence, at speed.

Workplace Collaboration

As well as individual training, you can bring individuals together in your virtual workplace to train, plan and collaborate from anywhere in the world.

Benefits of VR Training in the Oil & Gas Industry

90% Increase in employee engagement

Assisted Learning

75% Improvement in knowledge retention compared to traditional learning

Injury Icon

60% Reduction in workplace accidents

How does Virtual Reality training work for the Oil and Gas Industry?

Defining your Goals and VR Training Modules

The first step in creating high quality, effective training content will involve defining your your training goals and what modules you need. Do you want employees to be experts in crude sampling? Or do you require training for more dangerous tasks like preventing gas explosions?

Requirements Gathering

Once your training module has been confirmed our team will work side by side with your subject matter experts to document your processes step by step, we call this requirements gathering.

This can be done through capturing videos, reviewing documents and laser scanning your environment to ensure the content we develop replicates your exact environment and procedures virtually.

Art & Environment 3D Modelling

The more life like the virtual experience, the more effective the training.

Our talented team of 3D artists and designers work on recreating your assets, machinery and work environments so it feels like really training on the job.

VR Scenario Development

Once your environment has been created our team of developers begin developing, testing and building your training modules.

Our content is built to the highest design standards and rigorously tested to ensure effective learning and development.

Ready, set, go…

Once your training content is complete and you’re 100% happy with your scenario, you’ll get access to a branded PORTAL aka your dedicated learning management system for your VR content.

Here, trainers and trainees can access class schedules, training content and individual performance analytics. Everything you need for effective learning, accessed via a VR headset.

luminous learning management system portal showcasing trainee analytics

Dedicated learning space for managing VR training in the Oil & Gas Industry

What is employee training without data insights that help and encourage progression? At Luminous, we not only create training modules in virtual reality. We provide your business with a dedicated learning PORTAL, complete with personalised training dashboards for each trainer and trainee.

Manage training modules, schedule sessions and gives users everything they need to engage and complete course content. Learning data is seamlessly synced and recorded from VR headsets to your preferred LMS, to encourage continuos L&D.

Explore PORTAL

four virtual reality characters hosting an envisioning workshop with a virtual whiteboard and sticky notes

New to VR? Experience our 2 day Envisioning Workshop

Discover the potential of XR (Extended Reality) training for the Oil & Gas industry with our XR workshop.

  • Gain insights into the latest XR trends and how they can be leveraged in the Oil & Gas industry.
  • Discover the unique opportunities XR presents for your business and how it can solve your specific training challenges.
  • Work with our experts to conceptualize and prototype XR solutions that align with your strategic goals.
  • Develop a clear roadmap for integrating XR training into your operations, ensuring a seamless and impactful deployment.

Learn about Workshops 

Luminous transforming safety, operations and skills with VR for the oil and gas industry Whitepaper

Engage employees, bridge the skills gap and improve operational performance

Still curious about how virtual reality can work for the oil, gas and energy sectors? Download our white paper to dive deep into how virtual reality is helping to create safer workplaces, bridge the skills gaps and improve operations. You’ll learn:

  • Why VR is so important for training and development
  • How VR is solving oil and gas industry challenges
  • The benefits of VR training for oil and gas
  • Specific VR use cases
  • Getting started with implementing VR
  • The future of VR in the oil and gas industry

Get your free whitepaper


  • Virtual reality can be really beneficial for companies looking to improve their training programmes by using simulated virtual environments to create risk free training spaces. VR content can be created to mimic real world scenarios where employees can practice and perfect certain procedures and processes, enhancing operations and safety within the workplace.

  • AR and VR are changing the way that the workforce are training and upskilling in the oil and gas industry. From training and maintenance to onboarding and multi-team collaboration, augmented reality has the power to bring information to users who are on the job instantly and virtual reality creates a safe, risk-free space to train.

  • VR training can be hugely beneficial when compared to traditional training. VR training can reduce training times by 40% and improve employee performance by 70%. But why? With VR, experiences being so immersive means the experiences feel like real-life and creates a higher emotional connection compared to traditional training. This makes learning more memorable, meaning it has more impact on users memory.

  • Employees working in the oil, gas and energy sector are subject to a range of dangerous situations and procedures from chemical hazards, working at heights and many others. More companies are recognizing the benefits of VR safety training and how employees can familiarize themselves with hazards and high risk, low frequency procedures and become confident on how they would react in such situations.

  • When done at scale, VR can be extremely cost effective – at 1,950 learners VR training achieves cost parity with e-learn. At 3,000 learners, VR costs become 52% less than classroom based learning. VR is also cost effective because of the savings made on training and travel costs.

  • If you’re completely new to virtual reality training our XR Envisioning Workshops are a great introduction to learning about the technology, hardware and how it fits into your business. You can book a workshop slot for one of our workshops here, where the Luminous team will come to you and run a two day workshop with your team. If you know what training content you require and are ready to chat to one of our team, then you can skip the workshop and book a demo directly with us right here.

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