Hazard Recognition
Ensure employees are knowledgeable, alert, and able to identify hazards with our VR hazard recognition course.
Learners forget 70% of training content within 24 hours, and nearly 90% within a month. So how do you make your training memorable? Through immersive training.
Our solutions help transform training through real-time, virtual, hard skills training content for high-risk industries.
Whether you need bespoke scenarios creating or you want to learn how to make, manage and monetize your own XR training content, we’re here to help, every step of the way.
Increase in knowledge retention
Increase in engagement with XR training
Increase in confidence
Create XR, MR and VR training content easily with FLOW, a Unity visual scripting tool. Seamlessly build life-like, immersive environments to suit your training needs by simply dragging and dropping your steps.
Your all in one XR training platform, PORTAL. Manage all your virtual course content and students, track student progress and access in depth trainee analytics, host multi-user sessions and more with PORTAL.
70% of professionals believe that organisations will focus on adopting virtual reality in training and development. The appetite for VR training courses is huge, but there’s little out there. Create and sell engaging training content through our marketplace.
Luminous offer a fair and transparent pricing structure based on a flat annual subscription per module hosted on the platform, with unlimited users.
Ready to get started? The Luminous Platform comes with a range of prebuilt templates making it easy for you to build different virtual training scenarios to suit your needs.
Stay up to date with everything happening at Luminous and across the VR, MR and AR industry.